all postcodes in BT22 / NEWTOWNARDS

find any address or company within the BT22 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT22 1LA 0 54.375007 -5.544194
BT22 1LB 0 54.376209 -5.544091
BT22 1LE 1 54.380395 -5.545827
BT22 1LF 0 54.379443 -5.545391
BT22 1LG 0 54.380241 -5.544866
BT22 1LH 0 54.377466 -5.544524
BT22 1LJ 0 54.386891 -5.535631
BT22 1LL 0 54.439847 -5.463662
BT22 1LN 1 54.38206 -5.546805
BT22 1LP 1 54.381314 -5.547265
BT22 1LQ 0 54.376595 -5.542744
BT22 1LR 2 54.381544 -5.546651
BT22 1LS 4 54.382746 -5.547411
BT22 1LT 1 54.384016 -5.546211
BT22 1LU 0 54.384742 -5.545706
BT22 1LW 3 54.381637 -5.547677
BT22 1LX 1 54.383694 -5.544537
BT22 1LY 0 54.38345 -5.545768
BT22 1LZ 0 54.383951 -5.544352
BT22 1NA 0 54.383511 -5.543054