all postcodes in BT23 / NEWTOWNARDS

find any address or company within the BT23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT23 6LB 6 0 54.470923 -5.745104
BT23 6LD 34 0 54.479247 -5.753472
BT23 6LE 4 0 54.491583 -5.744707
BT23 6LF 20 0 54.49226 -5.749239
BT23 6LG 21 0 54.49981 -5.787806
BT23 6LH 10 0 54.484414 -5.745287
BT23 6LJ 21 1 54.490063 -5.745594
BT23 6LL 12 0 54.506299 -5.797198
BT23 6LN 6 0 54.504843 -5.797184
BT23 6LP 3 0 54.503949 -5.794005
BT23 6LQ 20 0 54.499418 -5.787503
BT23 6LR 8 0 54.504629 -5.794833
BT23 6LS 46 0 54.505189 -5.796455
BT23 6LT 4 0 54.504822 -5.79456
BT23 6LU 14 0 54.505353 -5.795612
BT23 6LW 12 0 54.506009 -5.79709
BT23 6LX 18 0 54.506533 -5.799702
BT23 6LY 19 0 54.515831 -5.809982
BT23 6LZ 1 0 54.515876 -5.818906
BT23 6NA 8 0 54.513533 -5.802677