all postcodes in BT23 / NEWTOWNARDS

find any address or company within the BT23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT23 4LB 24 0 54.590189 -5.697963
BT23 4LD 39 1 54.592303 -5.698061
BT23 4LE 10 0 54.588517 -5.700765
BT23 4LF 24 0 54.588318 -5.69974
BT23 4LG 41 0 54.588416 -5.701127
BT23 4LH 17 11 54.593898 -5.698326
BT23 4LJ 4 1 54.593739 -5.698923
BT23 4LL 1 1 54.59379 -5.697342
BT23 4LN 26 8 54.591738 -5.70569
BT23 4LP 12 9 54.594096 -5.700683
BT23 4LR 1 1 54.593752 -5.702435
BT23 4LS 1 1 54.594355 -5.70251
BT23 4LT 19 0 54.593872 -5.701655
BT23 4LU 7 6 54.59321 -5.698535
BT23 4LW 10 4 54.593424 -5.700798
BT23 4LX 1 1 54.591474 -5.698417
BT23 4LY 33 0 54.59254 -5.699192
BT23 4LZ 59 1 54.591922 -5.699769
BT23 4NA 24 0 54.591519 -5.7027
BT23 4NB 18 0 54.591661 -5.704472