all postcodes in BT25 / DROMORE

find any address or company within the BT25 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT25 1LF 7 0 54.397078 -6.197808
BT25 1LG 14 1 54.39975 -6.200463
BT25 1LH 12 0 54.398014 -6.193748
BT25 1LJ 30 0 54.40796 -6.190739
BT25 1LL 31 0 54.407812 -6.144861
BT25 1LN 8 0 54.412938 -6.156291
BT25 1LP 20 0 54.401769 -6.24177
BT25 1LQ 27 0 54.409778 -6.211992
BT25 1LR 3 0 54.406658 -6.164566
BT25 1LS 22 0 54.409354 -6.161057
BT25 1LU 9 0 54.403325 -6.240009
BT25 1LW 11 0 54.410926 -6.144582
BT25 1LX 38 0 54.410957 -6.158952
BT25 1LY 5 0 54.390369 -6.213683
BT25 1LZ 42 0 54.40709 -6.143477
BT25 1NA 5 0 54.41311 -6.152817
BT25 1NB 27 4 54.413358 -6.154346
BT25 1ND 1 1 54.412245 -6.156183
BT25 1NE 22 1 54.408576 -6.161893
BT25 1NF 23 1 54.399636 -6.172549