all postcodes in BT28 / LISBURN

find any address or company within the BT28 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT28 3XN 0 54.569977 -6.130171
BT28 3XP 0 54.583319 -6.13417
BT28 3XQ 0 54.555282 -6.139145
BT28 3XR 0 54.582933 -6.110459
BT28 3XS 2 54.580336 -6.115668
BT28 3XT 0 54.578064 -6.127883
BT28 3XU 0 54.576974 -6.131181
BT28 3XW 0 54.577486 -6.146964
BT28 3XX 0 54.528802 -6.080427
BT28 3YA 0 54.529123 -6.063882
BT28 3YB 0 54.529068 -6.065507
BT28 3YE 0 54.528731 -6.066913
BT28 3YP 0 54.516392 -6.055558
BT28 3YR 0 54.526952 -6.074273
BT28 3YS 0 54.525654 -6.05935
BT28 3YT 0 54.521621 -6.058924
BT28 3TL 3 0 54.542368 -6.037246
BT28 3NZ 72 0 54.530817 -6.067046
BT28 3HN 5 0 54.526756 -6.077711
BT28 3FS 8 0 54.523013 -6.068944