all postcodes in BT35 / NEWRY

find any address or company within the BT35 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT35 6JZ 0 54.196179 -6.37961
BT35 6LA 1 54.195788 -6.371948
BT35 6LB 0 54.194907 -6.372596
BT35 6LE 0 54.197307 -6.368027
BT35 6LF 0 54.194836 -6.361398
BT35 6LG 0 54.194505 -6.360201
BT35 6LH 0 54.193918 -6.356026
BT35 6LJ 0 54.193961 -6.352592
BT35 6LL 0 54.19387 -6.353147
BT35 6LN 0 54.236344 -6.369876
BT35 6LP 0 54.260279 -6.370482
BT35 6LR 0 54.259848 -6.377865
BT35 6LS 0 54.257211 -6.382204
BT35 6FJ 0 54.252962 -6.379563
BT35 6LT 0 54.241738 -6.383408
BT35 6FL 0 54.245873 -6.380899
BT35 6LU 0 54.237115 -6.372423
BT35 6LW 1 54.25212 -6.372384
BT35 6FT 1 54.250447 -6.375611
BT35 6LX 0 54.238738 -6.394938