all postcodes in BT38 / CARRICKFERGUS

find any address or company within the BT38 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT38 9NL 5 0 54.760742 -5.714656
BT38 9NN 50 0 54.759818 -5.713279
BT38 9NP 8 0 54.761083 -5.712726
BT38 9NQ 21 0 54.758801 -5.711285
BT38 9NR 26 0 54.760763 -5.712418
BT38 9NS 13 0 54.762607 -5.711117
BT38 9NT 11 0 54.762918 -5.710431
BT38 9NU 19 0 54.761936 -5.709819
BT38 9NW 21 0 54.760849 -5.711729
BT38 9NX 5 0 54.763507 -5.709761
BT38 9NY 5 0 54.764204 -5.712845
BT38 9NZ 23 1 54.76599 -5.69708
BT38 9PA 1 1 54.764502 -5.69443
BT38 9TS 78 0 54.75862 -5.717402
BT38 9PB 2 0 54.76438 -5.694639
BT38 9PH 8 0 54.76033 -5.705652
BT38 9PJ 6 0 54.761125 -5.706819
BT38 9PL 13 0 54.759778 -5.706864
BT38 9PP 1 0 54.753534 -5.713121
BT38 9PS 14 0 54.752574 -5.709835