all postcodes in BT45 / MAGHERAFELT

find any address or company within the BT45 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT45 6PL 0 54.746591 -6.606274
BT45 6PN 0 54.753887 -6.596285
BT45 6PP 0 54.747317 -6.608532
BT45 6PQ 0 54.747778 -6.60951
BT45 6PR 14 54.754045 -6.612371
BT45 6PS 0 54.706661 -6.53575
BT45 6PT 0 54.748361 -6.614926
BT45 6PU 1 54.75536 -6.596234
BT45 6PX 0 54.756106 -6.59787
BT45 6PY 0 54.749522 -6.604139
BT45 6PZ 0 54.748751 -6.603498
BT45 6QA 0 54.743499 -6.610837
BT45 6QB 0 54.743409 -6.612393
BT45 6QD 0 54.743945 -6.610604
BT45 6QE 0 54.744 -6.611441
BT45 6QF 0 54.744317 -6.61244
BT45 6QG 0 54.744019 -6.613956
BT45 6QH 0 54.744494 -6.6154
BT45 6QJ 0 54.74525 -6.614737
BT45 6QL 0 54.745724 -6.613712