all postcodes in BT46 / MAGHERA

find any address or company within the BT46 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT46 5PB 8 0 54.871286 -6.707153
BT46 5PD 9 0 54.862043 -6.710595
BT46 5PE 11 0 54.858215 -6.71556
BT46 5PF 10 0 54.862009 -6.717604
BT46 5PG 3 0 54.858425 -6.724399
BT46 5PH 12 1 54.851196 -6.706893
BT46 5PJ 16 0 54.84481 -6.676928
BT46 5PL 13 0 54.850266 -6.683008
BT46 5PN 8 0 54.849726 -6.682107
BT46 5PP 1 0 54.8702 -6.662451
BT46 5PQ 16 0 54.862978 -6.725999
BT46 5PR 14 0 54.871958 -6.666303
BT46 5PS 1 1 54.879683 -6.661295
BT46 5PT 18 0 54.887907 -6.67151
BT46 5PU 5 0 54.887415 -6.661818
BT46 5PW 4 0 54.853199 -6.710223
BT46 5PX 7 0 54.896455 -6.661284
BT46 5PY 21 4 54.902489 -6.668396
BT46 5PZ 8 0 54.906546 -6.667186
BT46 5QA 7 1 54.906912 -6.66786