all postcodes in BT47 / LONDONDERRY

find any address or company within the BT47 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT47 6XR 10 0 55.033789 -7.263287
BT47 6XW 45 0 55.034143 -7.266768
BT47 6XX 60 0 55.005741 -7.282165
BT47 6XY 11 0 55.030846 -7.271223
BT47 6XZ 65 0 54.999812 -7.280599
BT47 6YA 32 0 55.007953 -7.281031
BT47 6YB 16 0 55.030805 -7.271865
BT47 6YD 53 0 55.030174 -7.273018
BT47 6YE 8 0 54.997427 -7.296689
BT47 6YF 18 0 54.997858 -7.296681
BT47 6YG 22 0 54.998561 -7.296919
BT47 6YH 30 0 55.005703 -7.277243
BT47 6YL 4 0 55.020973 -7.257644
BT47 6YP 58 0 55.003586 -7.27614
BT47 6YQ 20 0 54.998898 -7.296319
BT47 6YR 23 0 55.006965 -7.287082
BT47 6YS 47 0 55.004052 -7.288243
BT47 6YT 3 0 55.004526 -7.286234
BT47 6YU 14 0 55.030145 -7.268186
BT47 6YW 12 0 54.997967 -7.295211