all postcodes in BT51 / COLERAINE

find any address or company within the BT51 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT51 3LE 8 0 55.14133 -6.680086
BT51 3LF 9 0 55.141351 -6.678737
BT51 3LG 36 0 55.117051 -6.681969
BT51 3LH 82 0 55.115213 -6.68145
BT51 3LJ 56 0 55.115494 -6.679199
BT51 3LL 5 3 55.117965 -6.679259
BT51 3LN 15 0 55.134535 -6.683933
BT51 3LP 23 1 55.134565 -6.687554
BT51 3LQ 45 0 55.115493 -6.68329
BT51 3LR 6 0 55.133956 -6.682729
BT51 3LS 14 0 55.138411 -6.686769
BT51 3LT 15 0 55.133341 -6.689773
BT51 3LU 18 0 55.131998 -6.689394
BT51 3LW 5 0 55.134279 -6.683455
BT51 3LX 17 0 55.117312 -6.670409
BT51 3LY 21 0 55.133048 -6.680924
BT51 3LZ 33 0 55.133189 -6.681578
BT51 3NA 2 0 55.121837 -6.674381
BT51 3ND 7 0 55.113607 -6.678352
BT51 3NE 5 0 55.11452 -6.678902