all postcodes in BT53 / BALLYMONEY

find any address or company within the BT53 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT53 8NR 9 0 55.062175 -6.434894
BT53 8NS 7 0 55.052219 -6.413907
BT53 8NT 1 0 55.044721 -6.425906
BT53 8NU 8 0 55.055692 -6.389012
BT53 8NW 9 0 55.074008 -6.394319
BT53 8NX 9 0 55.063708 -6.380378
BT53 8NY 16 0 55.064974 -6.36555
BT53 8NZ 15 1 55.061278 -6.353993
BT53 8PA 3 0 55.062483 -6.423299
BT53 8PB 8 0 55.109896 -6.454623
BT53 8PE 2 1 55.107626 -6.421255
BT53 8PF 12 0 55.108662 -6.418676
BT53 8PG 26 0 55.107979 -6.41933
BT53 8PH 1 1 55.111059 -6.417876
BT53 8PJ 10 0 55.111896 -6.418705
BT53 8PL 8 0 55.109833 -6.407926
BT53 8PQ 19 0 55.110272 -6.418863
BT53 8PR 9 2 55.117606 -6.414263
BT53 8PS 8 0 55.11603 -6.419513
BT53 8PT 4 0 55.120954 -6.419569