all postcodes in BT53 / BALLYMONEY

find any address or company within the BT53 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT53 6JU 24 0 55.066872 -6.516612
BT53 6JX 2 2 55.06696 -6.521633
BT53 6JZ 1 1 55.067306 -6.516846
BT53 6LA 4 0 55.065758 -6.51803
BT53 6LB 9 0 55.065205 -6.518379
BT53 6LD 45 0 55.065414 -6.51928
BT53 6LE 7 7 55.064033 -6.51955
BT53 6LF 5 0 55.062842 -6.520533
BT53 6LG 1 1 55.063646 -6.523853
BT53 6LH 49 0 55.078613 -6.512106
BT53 6LL 24 0 55.066635 -6.516292
BT53 6LN 14 0 55.075755 -6.515719
BT53 6LP 23 0 55.074093 -6.506856
BT53 6LQ 6 4 55.063079 -6.52234
BT53 6LS 4 0 55.077343 -6.500159
BT53 6LT 3 0 55.080891 -6.523625
BT53 6LU 5 0 55.079049 -6.5096
BT53 6LW 20 19 55.062886 -6.525649
BT53 6LX 9 1 55.079195 -6.512726
BT53 6LY 5 0 55.085138 -6.510924