all postcodes in BT53 / BALLYMONEY

find any address or company within the BT53 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT53 6PA 7 0 55.128243 -6.562733
BT53 6PB 2 0 55.130527 -6.568296
BT53 6PD 7 4 55.13132 -6.556336
BT53 6PE 19 0 55.077224 -6.524245
BT53 6PF 22 0 55.075822 -6.502111
BT53 6PG 28 0 55.143275 -6.565251
BT53 6PH 10 0 55.15431 -6.563318
BT53 6PJ 37 0 55.07503 -6.502015
BT53 6PL 29 0 55.074348 -6.502776
BT53 6PN 8 0 55.074703 -6.501698
BT53 6PP 40 2 55.077893 -6.501751
BT53 6PQ 1 0 55.153368 -6.572607
BT53 6PR 20 0 55.077107 -6.503613
BT53 6PS 31 0 55.077998 -6.503736
BT53 6PT 67 0 55.075533 -6.505613
BT53 6PU 15 0 55.078417 -6.526331
BT53 6PW 23 0 55.075968 -6.500085
BT53 6PX 22 0 55.077862 -6.525709
BT53 6PY 39 0 55.080029 -6.519225
BT53 6PZ 68 1 55.083426 -6.537156