all postcodes in BT57 / BUSHMILLS

find any address or company within the BT57 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT57 8GG 12 0 55.195801 -6.578376
BT57 8NP 16 0 55.217163 -6.551689
BT57 8QA 29 2 55.206895 -6.523959
BT57 8QB 30 10 55.204885 -6.523374
BT57 8QD 26 6 55.204997 -6.523008
BT57 8QE 20 2 55.2034 -6.522423
BT57 8QF 50 0 55.206105 -6.521742
BT57 8QG 7 2 55.206146 -6.524395
BT57 8QH 10 1 55.203431 -6.524197
BT57 8QJ 10 0 55.203113 -6.525418
BT57 8QL 20 0 55.203909 -6.525169
BT57 8QN 7 0 55.2047 -6.526663
BT57 8QP 5 1 55.203389 -6.526665
BT57 8QQ 1 1 55.205528 -6.53122
BT57 8QR 16 0 55.201944 -6.521598
BT57 8QS 5 0 55.199944 -6.51963
BT57 8QT 9 1 55.2015 -6.522007
BT57 8QW 1 1 55.204966 -6.527832
BT57 8QX 7 0 55.200508 -6.521745
BT57 8QY 24 0 55.198051 -6.519857