all postcodes in BT62 / CRAIGAVON

find any address or company within the BT62 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT62 3NG 3 54.42085 -6.441751
BT62 3NH 3 54.423002 -6.441392
BT62 3NJ 7 54.422333 -6.440369
BT62 3NP 16 54.422172 -6.44321
BT62 3NS 2 54.421549 -6.447163
BT62 3NU 1 54.420949 -6.443118
BT62 3NW 8 54.423764 -6.440561
BT62 3NX 18 54.421305 -6.443613
BT62 3NZ 6 54.421735 -6.446971
BT62 3PB 9 54.421772 -6.446399
BT62 3PD 11 54.422229 -6.44629
BT62 3PL 7 54.422432 -6.446667
BT62 3PF 6 54.421158 -6.447516
BT62 3PG 7 54.422611 -6.445921
BT62 3PJ 0 54.403378 -6.441243
BT62 3PN 1 54.422424 -6.446744
BT62 3PQ 0 54.42245 -6.446019
BT62 3PW 4 54.422026 -6.445835
BT62 3PY 1 54.416421 -6.457185
BT62 3PZ 1 54.413457 -6.456557