all postcodes in BT66 / CRAIGAVON

find any address or company within the BT66 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT66 8PD 34 0 54.459203 -6.347689
BT66 8PE 4 0 54.459906 -6.348509
BT66 8PF 41 0 54.458936 -6.348517
BT66 8PG 38 0 54.457896 -6.345352
BT66 8PH 29 0 54.456287 -6.34463
BT66 8PJ 28 0 54.456847 -6.346874
BT66 8PL 12 0 54.457572 -6.346028
BT66 8PN 37 0 54.457565 -6.346815
BT66 8PP 24 0 54.456833 -6.345826
BT66 8PQ 25 0 54.457188 -6.344872
BT66 8PR 5 4 54.455785 -6.345375
BT66 8PS 46 0 54.456068 -6.347723
BT66 8PT 22 0 54.455606 -6.346786
BT66 8PU 55 0 54.45545 -6.347825
BT66 8PW 40 0 54.456295 -6.345879
BT66 8PX 18 0 54.454977 -6.346796
BT66 8PY 19 0 54.455202 -6.350086
BT66 8PZ 41 0 54.455286 -6.348973
BT66 8QA 4 0 54.455751 -6.350774
BT66 8QB 20 0 54.45958 -6.343726