all postcodes in BT70 / DUNGANNON

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Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT70 1JJ 1 1 54.504558 -6.769628
BT70 1JL 28 0 54.502707 -6.784704
BT70 1JN 1 1 54.505552 -6.768425
BT70 1JP 32 0 54.505394 -6.768801
BT70 1JS 5 0 54.505552 -6.768425
BT70 1JW 1 1 54.504428 -6.770173
BT70 1LA 32 0 54.485222 -6.786334
BT70 1LB 49 3 54.457328 -6.794499
BT70 1LD 20 2 54.440533 -6.79322
BT70 1LE 18 2 54.453708 -6.798136
BT70 1LF 13 1 54.437937 -6.797781
BT70 1LG 9 0 54.414336 -6.802215
BT70 1LH 21 2 54.417602 -6.809977
BT70 1LJ 3 0 54.417699 -6.851597
BT70 1LL 13 0 54.417169 -6.856341
BT70 1LN 10 0 54.411555 -6.858315
BT70 1LP 8 0 54.409719 -6.82516
BT70 1LQ 15 0 54.415336 -6.843037
BT70 1LR 6 0 54.410137 -6.817432
BT70 1LS 6 0 54.422865 -6.832872