all postcodes in BT79 / OMAGH

find any address or company within the BT79 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT79 0XR 10 0 54.534029 -7.240698
BT79 0XS 2 0 54.52619 -7.232751
BT79 0XT 8 0 54.532213 -7.230568
BT79 0XU 6 0 54.530357 -7.222663
BT79 0XW 1 0 54.546046 -7.236025
BT79 0XX 6 0 54.52478 -7.220252
BT79 0XY 5 0 54.527184 -7.215434
BT79 0YA 10 0 54.524087 -7.218659
BT79 0YB 1 0 54.515912 -7.228327
BT79 0YD 7 0 54.517675 -7.220295
BT79 0YG 2 0 54.499057 -7.211358
BT79 0YH 2 0 54.493359 -7.183951
BT79 0YJ 3 0 54.491713 -7.194416
BT79 0YL 1 0 54.508136 -7.204066
BT79 0YN 12 0 54.519609 -7.208367
BT79 0YQ 5 0 54.492612 -7.20392
BT79 0YW 6 0 54.526018 -7.20744
BT79 0PB 8 0 54.596729 -7.267721
BT79 0JN 0 54.597296 -7.267958
BT79 0PR 40 0 54.595875 -7.269206