all postcodes in BT9 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT9 5PB 4 3 54.553032 -5.957947
BT9 5PD 4 0 54.554317 -5.969692
BT9 5PE 8 0 54.550818 -5.9754
BT9 5PG 42 0 54.552294 -5.969607
BT9 5PH 38 0 54.551869 -5.971066
BT9 5PJ 14 0 54.551652 -5.972607
BT9 5PL 5 0 54.552686 -5.972077
BT9 5PN 21 0 54.551772 -5.973328
BT9 5PQ 15 0 54.550364 -5.974016
BT9 5PR 33 1 54.549732 -5.971713
BT9 5PS 5 0 54.549365 -5.974977
BT9 5PX 1 1 54.559648 -5.9433
BT9 5PY 39 0 54.549897 -5.970298
BT9 5PZ 43 0 54.558443 -5.953285
BT9 5QA 7 0 54.563844 -5.950711
BT9 5QB 21 0 54.563802 -5.949816
BT9 5QD 12 0 54.562729 -5.9512
BT9 5QH 6 0 54.563348 -5.947953
BT9 5QL 57 0 54.571686 -5.945291
BT9 5QP 12 0 54.560729 -5.951934