all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 1TJ 1 0 54.655386 -2.54342
CA10 1BF 45 0 54.746808 -2.705771
CA10 2AA 7 0 54.655616 -2.718341
CA10 2AB 7 1 54.65358 -2.699075
CA10 2AD 4 0 54.652375 -2.685224
CA10 2AE 6 0 54.653284 -2.660493
CA10 2AF 4 0 54.650624 -2.638948
CA10 2AG 4 0 54.655193 -2.622792
CA10 2AJ 34 0 54.65847 -2.738403
CA10 2AL 20 0 54.658283 -2.736757
CA10 2AN 2 0 54.647999 -2.630421
CA10 2AP 9 1 54.655935 -2.644054
CA10 2AQ 2 0 54.647594 -2.630749
CA10 2AR 4 0 54.662647 -2.669032
CA10 2AU 1 1 54.65582 -2.736852
CA10 2AW 6 0 54.652596 -2.634795
CA10 2AX 5 0 54.657598 -2.736992
CA10 2AY 2 0 54.648556 -2.75168
CA10 2BA 1 1 54.654872 -2.740384
CA10 2BB 1 0 54.653797 -2.742782