all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 2ER 3 1 54.630022 -2.719764
CA10 2ES 23 0 54.630524 -2.718441
CA10 2ET 9 0 54.632876 -2.721999
CA10 2EX 4 0 54.628429 -2.711061
CA10 2EY 5 0 54.622964 -2.712763
CA10 2EZ 6 0 54.620236 -2.714904
CA10 2HB 4 0 54.620379 -2.713755
CA10 2HD 4 1 54.618266 -2.716665
CA10 2HH 18 4 54.610852 -2.73192
CA10 2HJ 10 0 54.611399 -2.732147
CA10 2HN 25 0 54.604404 -2.715957
CA10 2HP 30 0 54.605829 -2.71977
CA10 2HR 2 0 54.60554 -2.716751
CA10 2HS 14 0 54.605311 -2.716139
CA10 2HT 6 2 54.603476 -2.713475
CA10 2HU 11 0 54.604904 -2.715141
CA10 2HW 13 0 54.601262 -2.709365
CA10 2HX 34 5 54.601434 -2.708939
CA10 2HY 10 0 54.604583 -2.716172
CA10 2JA 5 0 54.576999 -2.699619