all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 3JW 3 0 54.522928 -2.587776
CA10 3JZ 4 0 54.53222 -2.677183
CA10 3LA 12 0 54.531124 -2.675527
CA10 3LB 10 0 54.530987 -2.674319
CA10 3LD 1 0 54.531715 -2.675799
CA10 3LE 10 1 54.532083 -2.675898
CA10 3LF 2 0 54.53268 -2.676793
CA10 3LG 4 0 54.533308 -2.64228
CA10 3LH 3 0 54.514724 -2.62853
CA10 3LL 4 0 54.528199 -2.60848
CA10 3LN 2 0 54.534832 -2.60645
CA10 3LQ 9 0 54.524637 -2.647223
CA10 3LR 6 0 54.529481 -2.678374
CA10 3LS 3 0 54.531277 -2.678558
CA10 3LT 42 0 54.531451 -2.679643
CA10 3LU 11 0 54.530602 -2.678887
CA10 3LW 19 2 54.52889 -2.677931
CA10 3LX 24 2 54.532666 -2.677611
CA10 3LY 14 0 54.533214 -2.679456
CA10 3LZ 12 0 54.534545 -2.679246