all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 3PA 1 0 54.525871 -2.673122
CA10 3PB 26 0 54.524829 -2.67465
CA10 3PD 3 0 54.526648 -2.673773
CA10 3PE 24 0 54.526512 -2.672592
CA10 3PF 6 0 54.52614 -2.673158
CA10 3PG 4 0 54.525829 -2.674141
CA10 3PH 15 0 54.524566 -2.673302
CA10 3PJ 7 0 54.524056 -2.673031
CA10 3PL 8 0 54.524897 -2.673709
CA10 3PN 4 0 54.523358 -2.672509
CA10 3PP 6 0 54.518908 -2.669516
CA10 3PQ 6 0 54.525598 -2.675204
CA10 3PR 5 0 54.522415 -2.670671
CA10 3PS 5 0 54.522151 -2.6713
CA10 3PT 4 0 54.522544 -2.671723
CA10 3PU 14 0 54.523461 -2.671677
CA10 3PW 9 1 54.521846 -2.671187
CA10 3PX 3 0 54.523459 -2.672017
CA10 3PY 10 0 54.520315 -2.670096
CA10 3PZ 12 2 54.518611 -2.669481