all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 1QJ 3 0 54.664807 -2.599963
CA10 1QL 36 1 54.662743 -2.60294
CA10 1QN 1 1 54.659815 -2.609841
CA10 1QP 5 0 54.660042 -2.612929
CA10 1QT 17 0 54.661458 -2.613726
CA10 1QQ 8 0 54.660915 -2.603657
CA10 1QR 10 0 54.660504 -2.612285
CA10 1QS 3 0 54.661898 -2.61532
CA10 1QU 5 0 54.671406 -2.626157
CA10 1QW 53 1 54.660081 -2.608502
CA10 1QX 24 0 54.661279 -2.602747
CA10 1QZ 5 0 54.660172 -2.60297
CA10 1RA 2 0 54.634132 -2.602212
CA10 1RB 2 0 54.68544 -2.612543
CA10 1RE 2 0 54.680031 -2.596006
CA10 1RF 8 0 54.686304 -2.596247
CA10 1RG 7 0 54.686981 -2.593837
CA10 1RH 25 0 54.686898 -2.59973
CA10 1RJ 4 0 54.685061 -2.607738
CA10 1RL 27 0 54.688089 -2.59134