all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 1RN 14 0 54.68644 -2.548184
CA10 1RP 23 0 54.634337 -2.600924
CA10 1RQ 15 0 54.686315 -2.597339
CA10 1RR 1 0 54.643513 -2.611354
CA10 1RS 10 1 54.634323 -2.600133
CA10 1RT 20 0 54.634571 -2.60274
CA10 1RU 4 0 54.635677 -2.602446
CA10 1RW 7 1 54.636786 -2.605303
CA10 1RX 5 0 54.636899 -2.602542
CA10 1RY 6 0 54.637081 -2.602126
CA10 1RZ 32 2 54.636427 -2.60333
CA10 1SA 2 0 54.63947 -2.60605
CA10 1SB 26 2 54.638935 -2.605097
CA10 1SD 36 0 54.639097 -2.603271
CA10 1SE 3 0 54.637575 -2.602226
CA10 1SF 6 0 54.637537 -2.602629
CA10 1SN 3 0 54.643441 -2.591611
CA10 1SP 2 0 54.648608 -2.599001
CA10 1SS 3 0 54.627607 -2.600607
CA10 1ST 6 0 54.632093 -2.591209