all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 9SR 6 0 54.688929 -3.276382
CA13 9SS 19 0 54.708009 -3.274684
CA13 9ST 7 0 54.698928 -3.246577
CA13 9SU 7 0 54.701449 -3.225691
CA13 9SX 6 0 54.698505 -3.211963
CA13 9SY 2 1 54.707749 -3.244195
CA13 9TA 1 0 54.641211 -3.347297
CA13 9TB 7 0 54.619047 -3.314525
CA13 9TG 9 1 54.649006 -3.36231
CA13 9TH 4 1 54.647357 -3.331972
CA13 9TJ 3 0 54.642411 -3.326342
CA13 9TL 6 0 54.636523 -3.318417
CA13 9TN 11 0 54.647717 -3.296353
CA13 9TQ 6 0 54.653272 -3.347262
CA13 9TS 8 0 54.637514 -3.338638
CA13 9TT 2 0 54.62414 -3.303181
CA13 9TU 3 0 54.621992 -3.299965
CA13 9TW 4 0 54.647245 -3.323336
CA13 9TX 17 0 54.62187 -3.30041
CA13 9TY 4 0 54.618578 -3.296511