all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 9RG 20 0 54.661672 -3.362021
CA13 9RH 27 20 54.661517 -3.363845
CA13 9RJ 9 0 54.662941 -3.361877
CA13 9RL 10 0 54.663177 -3.367249
CA13 9RN 14 0 54.661865 -3.362492
CA13 9RP 1 1 54.662798 -3.366601
CA13 9RQ 12 0 54.661011 -3.362448
CA13 9RR 9 0 54.664002 -3.367401
CA13 9RS 1 1 54.662097 -3.364981
CA13 9RT 30 14 54.662629 -3.366302
CA13 9RU 14 5 54.662395 -3.366525
CA13 9RX 1 1 54.663652 -3.368026
CA13 9SA 6 0 54.682799 -3.316768
CA13 9SF 5 1 54.66753 -3.344509
CA13 9SG 1 1 54.664258 -3.291702
CA13 9SH 4 1 54.672318 -3.264481
CA13 9SJ 10 1 54.67587 -3.247948
CA13 9SL 10 0 54.683038 -3.274274
CA13 9SP 2 0 54.685113 -3.307924
CA13 9SQ 1 0 54.672569 -3.280955