all postcodes in CA13 / COCKERMOUTH

find any address or company within the CA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA13 9PZ 5 5 54.661503 -3.364125
CA13 9QD 1 1 54.662965 -3.364591
CA13 9QJ 1 1 54.662791 -3.364074
CA13 9QL 6 0 54.662621 -3.363169
CA13 9QN 2 0 54.660453 -3.361593
CA13 9QP 5 2 54.662213 -3.363481
CA13 9QQ 1 1 54.663122 -3.364162
CA13 9QR 5 0 54.662461 -3.36383
CA13 9QS 28 1 54.662833 -3.36327
CA13 9QT 3 0 54.662953 -3.363986
CA13 9QU 6 1 54.663337 -3.363456
CA13 9QW 52 33 54.662879 -3.36417
CA13 9QX 26 1 54.663003 -3.362794
CA13 9QY 11 0 54.663205 -3.363235
CA13 9QZ 6 0 54.662383 -3.362804
CA13 9RA 2 0 54.662268 -3.362414
CA13 9RB 2 0 54.662297 -3.362244
CA13 9RD 2 0 54.662328 -3.361858
CA13 9RE 8 0 54.662525 -3.362096
CA13 9RF 4 0 54.662709 -3.361776