all postcodes in CA15 / MARYPORT

find any address or company within the CA15 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA15 7BE 2 0 54.710958 -3.484422
CA15 7BF 5 0 54.71014 -3.479425
CA15 7BG 8 0 54.710941 -3.483816
CA15 7BH 8 0 54.710071 -3.482899
CA15 7BJ 7 0 54.709191 -3.481346
CA15 7BL 6 0 54.708781 -3.481098
CA15 7BN 4 0 54.70882 -3.481612
CA15 7BP 2 0 54.709295 -3.480776
CA15 7BQ 13 0 54.710312 -3.483016
CA15 7BS 6 0 54.709302 -3.480341
CA15 7BT 6 0 54.710099 -3.480649
CA15 7BU 16 0 54.709746 -3.481537
CA15 7BW 3 0 54.709294 -3.481024
CA15 7BX 8 0 54.710432 -3.481329
CA15 7BY 11 0 54.71068 -3.480127
CA15 7BZ 20 0 54.710554 -3.482358
CA15 7DA 2 0 54.708349 -3.480943
CA15 7DB 45 1 54.707366 -3.479168
CA15 7DD 18 0 54.707578 -3.479486
CA15 7DE 4 0 54.710791 -3.480612