all postcodes in CA15 / MARYPORT

find any address or company within the CA15 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA15 6AA 1 1 54.715199 -3.499309
CA15 6AB 22 7 54.714415 -3.500211
CA15 6AE 31 0 54.714123 -3.500558
CA15 6AF 1 0 54.714498 -3.500727
CA15 6AH 1 0 54.717568 -3.499552
CA15 6AJ 5 2 54.71502 -3.5007
CA15 6AN 5 0 54.716 -3.501419
CA15 6AS 9 0 54.717124 -3.499908
CA15 6AT 14 0 54.71567 -3.500413
CA15 6AU 14 0 54.716276 -3.500172
CA15 6AW 21 0 54.716229 -3.500993
CA15 6AX 15 0 54.716767 -3.500376
CA15 6AZ 24 1 54.717557 -3.499753
CA15 6BB 17 0 54.717537 -3.499224
CA15 6BD 8 0 54.717086 -3.499286
CA15 6BE 17 1 54.715184 -3.498905
CA15 6BG 10 2 54.714818 -3.499543
CA15 6BH 1 1 54.714324 -3.499401
CA15 6BL 23 7 54.714206 -3.498884
CA15 6BN 1 1 54.714484 -3.498957