all postcodes in CA15 / MARYPORT

find any address or company within the CA15 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA15 6BP 13 7 54.714299 -3.497956
CA15 6BQ 43 2 54.713721 -3.500171
CA15 6BS 28 15 54.714007 -3.496843
CA15 6BT 5 3 54.714011 -3.497992
CA15 6BU 26 15 54.71378 -3.496866
CA15 6BY 3 1 54.713458 -3.496001
CA15 6DA 26 12 54.712705 -3.496578
CA15 6DD 8 0 54.713037 -3.496823
CA15 6DE 3 0 54.713225 -3.496846
CA15 6DF 16 0 54.712554 -3.497333
CA15 6DG 15 0 54.713027 -3.498313
CA15 6DP 9 0 54.7139 -3.498221
CA15 6DQ 7 0 54.713913 -3.497911
CA15 6DR 11 0 54.713492 -3.498501
CA15 6DS 35 0 54.713064 -3.498796
CA15 6DT 5 0 54.713235 -3.499687
CA15 6DU 8 0 54.713159 -3.499094
CA15 6DW 5 0 54.713657 -3.49829
CA15 6DX 14 0 54.713374 -3.499335
CA15 6DY 12 0 54.7136 -3.499265