all postcodes in CA2 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA2 4AA 1 54.885303 -2.923777
CA2 4AB 1 54.883506 -2.926951
CA2 4AD 0 54.883516 -2.927119
CA2 4AG 0 54.88334 -2.927617
CA2 4AH 0 54.882671 -2.928023
CA2 4AJ 6 54.88264 -2.927414
CA2 4AL 0 54.882352 -2.92987
CA2 4AN 0 54.882787 -2.928505
CA2 4AP 0 54.882094 -2.930999
CA2 4AR 0 54.881841 -2.929933
CA2 4AS 5 54.883006 -2.931226
CA2 4AU 1 54.885511 -2.929472
CA2 4AW 0 54.88319 -2.9307
CA2 4AX 3 54.884596 -2.932849
CA2 4AY 0 54.882965 -2.93225
CA2 4BB 1 54.882309 -2.931942
CA2 4BD 0 54.882547 -2.932833
CA2 4BE 0 54.881968 -2.932995
CA2 4BG 0 54.882142 -2.932656
CA2 4BH 0 54.880425 -2.931541