all postcodes in CA22 / MOOR ROW

find any address or company within the CA22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA22 2BH 15 0 54.482204 -3.536908
CA22 2BJ 26 0 54.482298 -3.535908
CA22 2BL 38 0 54.481781 -3.534824
CA22 2BN 24 0 54.481036 -3.532635
CA22 2BP 2 0 54.480706 -3.53179
CA22 2BQ 22 0 54.483218 -3.535712
CA22 2BS 26 0 54.480903 -3.533911
CA22 2BT 18 0 54.481203 -3.535744
CA22 2BU 8 0 54.480899 -3.536304
CA22 2BW 2 0 54.480874 -3.531318
CA22 2BX 2 0 54.481978 -3.52997
CA22 2BY 13 0 54.481198 -3.530511
CA22 2DB 25 15 54.483145 -3.528592
CA22 2DF 1 1 54.48354 -3.528669
CA22 2DJ 28 12 54.484637 -3.528633
CA22 2DL 4 1 54.484554 -3.528105
CA22 2DN 10 0 54.483243 -3.52943
CA22 2DQ 1 1 54.484377 -3.529318
CA22 2DR 24 10 54.483044 -3.528048
CA22 2DS 2 1 54.483563 -3.527606