all postcodes in CA22 / MOOR ROW

find any address or company within the CA22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA22 2AA 1 1 54.482027 -3.528921
CA22 2AB 6 5 54.481847 -3.528992
CA22 2AD 14 7 54.481675 -3.528275
CA22 2AE 11 5 54.481106 -3.528486
CA22 2AF 4 3 54.480805 -3.528907
CA22 2AG 10 7 54.481385 -3.529175
CA22 2AH 19 0 54.481906 -3.527126
CA22 2AP 12 0 54.480314 -3.525045
CA22 2AS 94 0 54.481291 -3.525266
CA22 2AT 25 0 54.480115 -3.525886
CA22 2AU 10 0 54.479869 -3.526803
CA22 2AW 23 2 54.480528 -3.526628
CA22 2AX 6 0 54.479571 -3.527672
CA22 2AY 15 2 54.480268 -3.527991
CA22 2AZ 9 0 54.479583 -3.528845
CA22 2BA 1 0 54.479568 -3.528629
CA22 2BB 16 1 54.481474 -3.52995
CA22 2BD 7 5 54.482532 -3.532984
CA22 2BE 26 0 54.481599 -3.532147
CA22 2BG 22 0 54.482142 -3.533988