all postcodes in CA22 / MOOR ROW

find any address or company within the CA22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA22 2LD 4 0 54.476576 -3.536311
CA22 2LE 30 0 54.475993 -3.536243
CA22 2LF 4 0 54.475073 -3.535839
CA22 2LG 29 0 54.474893 -3.536526
CA22 2LJ 19 0 54.475724 -3.535446
CA22 2LN 55 0 54.478016 -3.531905
CA22 2LQ 10 0 54.474387 -3.537495
CA22 2LR 14 0 54.480282 -3.533224
CA22 2LS 12 1 54.480357 -3.531591
CA22 2LT 1 1 54.479669 -3.531303
CA22 2LU 6 0 54.480297 -3.534892
CA22 2LW 9 0 54.47769 -3.533529
CA22 2LX 11 0 54.480404 -3.534294
CA22 2LY 10 0 54.480551 -3.536105
CA22 2LZ 8 0 54.48001 -3.536239
CA22 2NA 15 0 54.479915 -3.534584
CA22 2ND 10 0 54.464035 -3.492825
CA22 2NE 6 0 54.480231 -3.538007
CA22 2NF 2 0 54.476903 -3.544596
CA22 2NG 13 1 54.480755 -3.54133