all postcodes in CA25 / CLEATOR MOOR

find any address or company within the CA25 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA25 5AA 3 3 54.521598 -3.517035
CA25 5AB 2 2 54.521762 -3.516826
CA25 5AF 2 0 54.522294 -3.515934
CA25 5AG 10 0 54.523349 -3.526417
CA25 5AH 16 7 54.521541 -3.515844
CA25 5AJ 2 0 54.52184 -3.514913
CA25 5AL 1 0 54.521448 -3.515314
CA25 5AN 19 4 54.521738 -3.515124
CA25 5AP 5 5 54.521228 -3.516372
CA25 5AQ 19 0 54.522488 -3.515538
CA25 5AR 3 0 54.521023 -3.515577
CA25 5AS 11 0 54.520737 -3.515442
CA25 5AU 40 6 54.519881 -3.517744
CA25 5AW 3 2 54.521238 -3.513421
CA25 5AX 1 1 54.520686 -3.517325
CA25 5AY 7 0 54.518924 -3.5195
CA25 5AZ 36 0 54.518506 -3.520628
CA25 5BA 5 0 54.51724 -3.520457
CA25 5BB 4 0 54.520513 -3.51752
CA25 5BD 20 10 54.521163 -3.517297