all postcodes in CA28 / WHITEHAVEN

find any address or company within the CA28 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA28 9AB 8 1 54.546601 -3.593162
CA28 9AD 20 0 54.547663 -3.596589
CA28 9AE 1 0 54.54765 -3.596171
CA28 9AF 36 0 54.546842 -3.596139
CA28 9AG 45 1 54.54502 -3.595249
CA28 9AH 64 0 54.544956 -3.59605
CA28 9AJ 10 0 54.543694 -3.595661
CA28 9AL 4 0 54.543394 -3.59517
CA28 9AN 39 23 54.54263 -3.597892
CA28 9AP 18 0 54.542098 -3.596031
CA28 9AQ 4 0 54.5459 -3.59601
CA28 9AR 38 0 54.53874 -3.598481
CA28 9AS 34 0 54.537885 -3.597876
CA28 9AT 19 0 54.537662 -3.599769
CA28 9AU 18 0 54.537079 -3.600395
CA28 9AW 18 0 54.540552 -3.596666
CA28 9AX 9 0 54.535423 -3.600531
CA28 9AY 40 0 54.536462 -3.598779
CA28 9AZ 36 0 54.537095 -3.599066
CA28 9BA 2 1 54.536277 -3.597102