all postcodes in CA4 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA4 0DS 2 0 54.844646 -2.83169
CA4 0DT 2 0 54.844042 -2.827956
CA4 0DU 2 0 54.844598 -2.832109
CA4 0DW 2 0 54.845319 -2.830504
CA4 0DX 3 0 54.845443 -2.829755
CA4 0DY 9 0 54.845729 -2.83001
CA4 0DZ 4 0 54.845078 -2.829249
CA4 0EA 4 0 54.843919 -2.827964
CA4 0EB 6 0 54.844972 -2.830259
CA4 0ED 13 0 54.843428 -2.828701
CA4 0EE 2 0 54.844646 -2.829042
CA4 0EH 6 0 54.84447 -2.827477
CA4 0EJ 9 0 54.8474 -2.822133
CA4 0EL 6 0 54.846459 -2.822772
CA4 0EN 4 0 54.842041 -2.811871
CA4 0EP 9 0 54.797059 -2.840118
CA4 0EQ 6 0 54.806656 -2.832429
CA4 0ER 3 0 54.801269 -2.83557
CA4 0ES 20 0 54.804296 -2.831945
CA4 0ET 4 2 54.806542 -2.830731