all postcodes in CA4 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA4 0EU 27 0 54.809075 -2.830939
CA4 0EW 14 0 54.79812 -2.848747
CA4 0EX 2 0 54.808964 -2.832373
CA4 0EY 2 0 54.809072 -2.832328
CA4 0EZ 3 0 54.80912 -2.83194
CA4 0HA 2 0 54.809313 -2.83126
CA4 0HB 13 0 54.809395 -2.834041
CA4 0HD 2 0 54.80925 -2.833966
CA4 0HE 5 0 54.810171 -2.83482
CA4 0HF 4 0 54.811866 -2.836478
CA4 0HG 12 1 54.810176 -2.834151
CA4 0HH 7 0 54.809608 -2.834497
CA4 0HJ 9 0 54.810957 -2.835645
CA4 0HL 7 0 54.793066 -2.818261
CA4 0HN 1 0 54.809803 -2.841285
CA4 0HP 1 1 54.801828 -2.826247
CA4 0HQ 3 0 54.81098 -2.834899
CA4 0HR 10 0 54.800105 -2.820472
CA4 0HS 51 1 54.793624 -2.81807
CA4 0HT 5 0 54.792371 -2.817345