all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA6 6BG 5 0 55.012415 -2.865245
CA6 6BH 30 0 54.980653 -2.874949
CA6 6BP 26 2 54.979479 -2.87208
CA6 6BQ 2 0 55.006281 -2.848086
CA6 6BS 3 0 54.976091 -2.863304
CA6 6BT 7 0 54.974036 -2.874133
CA6 6BU 1 0 54.972549 -2.884677
CA6 6BX 5 0 54.978992 -2.883026
CA6 6BY 3 0 54.979303 -2.880279
CA6 6BZ 4 0 54.982091 -2.894685
CA6 6DA 5 0 54.98669 -2.898709
CA6 6DB 3 0 54.993588 -2.902787
CA6 6DD 5 0 54.983928 -2.913074
CA6 6DE 2 0 54.982807 -2.917612
CA6 6DF 1 0 54.977219 -2.902154
CA6 6DG 3 0 54.963154 -2.901104
CA6 6DL 10 2 54.983684 -2.863311
CA6 6DN 12 0 54.98453 -2.828262
CA6 6DP 3 0 54.991179 -2.844845
CA6 6DR 9 0 54.991248 -2.860742