all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA6 6DS 4 0 54.99333 -2.838447
CA6 6DT 3 0 54.992639 -2.837858
CA6 6DU 4 0 54.993371 -2.837264
CA6 6DW 12 1 54.991101 -2.844453
CA6 6DX 11 0 54.994331 -2.8327
CA6 6DY 2 0 54.995174 -2.831111
CA6 6DZ 6 0 54.999602 -2.834017
CA6 6EA 2 0 55.001569 -2.852442
CA6 6EB 3 0 55.005692 -2.83761
CA6 6EE 3 0 55.007576 -2.847125
CA6 6EF 4 0 55.013118 -2.833215
CA6 6EH 19 1 54.996231 -2.817593
CA6 6EJ 4 0 54.996065 -2.816792
CA6 6EP 4 0 54.996319 -2.816438
CA6 6ER 2 0 54.99623 -2.817237
CA6 6ES 9 0 54.986216 -2.815404
CA6 6HY 3 0 55.023317 -2.823513
CA6 6ET 4 0 54.982932 -2.814744
CA6 6EY 6 1 54.973462 -2.81529
CA6 6EZ 2 0 54.977749 -2.803019