all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA6 5QX 7 0 55.086086 -2.88065
CA6 5QZ 1 0 55.089241 -2.885592
CA6 5RA 7 0 55.093289 -2.875718
CA6 5RB 4 0 55.103595 -2.855017
CA6 5RD 1 0 55.099552 -2.836767
CA6 5RE 1 1 55.093911 -2.841664
CA6 5RF 3 0 55.014407 -2.952206
CA6 5RG 9 0 55.019469 -2.926688
CA6 5RH 2 0 55.028987 -2.920231
CA6 5RJ 3 0 55.031868 -2.904352
CA6 5RL 1 0 55.039951 -2.902531
CA6 5RN 5 0 55.04041 -2.893452
CA6 5RP 3 0 55.038745 -2.894335
CA6 5RQ 5 0 55.02227 -2.910408
CA6 5RR 7 0 55.033916 -2.878769
CA6 5RS 14 0 55.04457 -2.847671
CA6 5RT 7 0 55.060021 -2.842647
CA6 5RU 3 0 55.050313 -2.864133
CA6 5RW 2 0 55.037818 -2.891533
CA6 5RX 1 0 55.054843 -2.863452