all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA6 5RY 13 1 55.061504 -2.874492
CA6 5RZ 7 0 55.068935 -2.86253
CA6 5SA 34 3 55.009824 -2.971581
CA6 5SB 5 0 55.007738 -2.972153
CA6 5SD 34 7 55.007617 -2.97154
CA6 5SE 27 1 55.007594 -2.970946
CA6 5SF 50 0 55.007165 -2.96914
CA6 5SG 24 0 55.005219 -2.970138
CA6 5SH 2 0 54.998113 -2.965014
CA6 5SJ 9 1 55.005654 -2.970821
CA6 5SL 3 0 54.988901 -2.985591
CA6 5SN 4 0 54.993107 -2.975582
CA6 5SP 6 0 54.985803 -2.970438
CA6 5SQ 8 0 55.004542 -2.967889
CA6 5SR 10 7 54.985458 -2.961113
CA6 5SS 5 0 54.983985 -2.950267
CA6 5ST 2 1 54.981473 -2.950817
CA6 5SU 12 0 54.983445 -2.948454
CA6 5SW 2 0 54.986146 -2.972431
CA6 5SX 3 0 54.985204 -2.939479