all postcodes in CA6 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA6 4HB 28 1 54.957547 -2.986635
CA6 4HD 1 1 54.973971 -3.008988
CA6 4HE 9 0 54.940135 -2.97728
CA6 4HG 10 2 54.972638 -3.007973
CA6 4HH 3 0 54.940899 -2.976911
CA6 4HL 13 0 54.940451 -2.978209
CA6 4HN 1 0 54.943089 -2.97654
CA6 4HP 2 0 54.937605 -2.944584
CA6 4HQ 6 2 54.942583 -2.970112
CA6 4HR 1 0 54.938237 -2.944533
CA6 4HS 44 0 54.938267 -2.941818
CA6 4HW 4 0 54.933844 -2.946244
CA6 4HY 2 0 54.932921 -2.938965
CA6 4HZ 2 0 54.931979 -2.924741
CA6 4JA 1 0 54.95197 -2.899308
CA6 4JB 4 1 54.930399 -2.92096
CA6 4JE 3 0 54.928207 -2.920032
CA6 4JF 7 0 54.933 -2.922845
CA6 4JG 23 1 54.936258 -2.917765
CA6 4JH 4 0 54.937542 -2.91875