all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 3EN 8 0 54.766561 -3.327507
CA7 3EQ 17 0 54.767232 -3.327762
CA7 3ES 14 3 54.763943 -3.330157
CA7 3ET 7 4 54.763723 -3.33144
CA7 3EU 13 0 54.763319 -3.329779
CA7 3EW 1 0 54.768944 -3.329031
CA7 3EX 7 0 54.76325 -3.329512
CA7 3EZ 6 4 54.763755 -3.334192
CA7 3HB 8 3 54.763325 -3.33306
CA7 3HD 3 0 54.7639 -3.332502
CA7 3HE 3 0 54.767436 -3.332929
CA7 3HG 13 2 54.762915 -3.334646
CA7 3HH 44 1 54.762123 -3.337992
CA7 3HL 7 0 54.762015 -3.336995
CA7 3HN 8 0 54.765 -3.33302
CA7 3HP 1 1 54.76522 -3.332623
CA7 3HQ 12 1 54.762526 -3.335674
CA7 3HR 6 0 54.765396 -3.33207
CA7 3HS 16 0 54.766069 -3.331377
CA7 3HT 18 0 54.766685 -3.33177