all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 3DJ 11 0 54.766398 -3.317725
CA7 3DL 2 0 54.76621 -3.316617
CA7 3DN 26 0 54.766393 -3.314834
CA7 3DP 7 2 54.771298 -3.312552
CA7 3DQ 19 1 54.765689 -3.32095
CA7 3DR 41 0 54.767524 -3.317497
CA7 3DS 34 1 54.767064 -3.317607
CA7 3DT 2 0 54.768917 -3.315616
CA7 3DU 34 0 54.769366 -3.315631
CA7 3DW 7 0 54.768905 -3.316081
CA7 3DX 1 0 54.773369 -3.31963
CA7 3DY 18 0 54.769528 -3.314843
CA7 3DZ 13 0 54.770275 -3.314073
CA7 3ED 22 0 54.766225 -3.32619
CA7 3EE 16 0 54.766788 -3.324794
CA7 3EF 30 0 54.76737 -3.324238
CA7 3EG 16 0 54.767472 -3.325532
CA7 3EH 10 0 54.767657 -3.326703
CA7 3EJ 10 0 54.767128 -3.325754
CA7 3EL 12 0 54.766804 -3.326676