all postcodes in CA9 / ALSTON

find any address or company within the CA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA9 3SF 3 1 54.811605 -2.438263
CA9 3SG 5 0 54.811199 -2.438078
CA9 3SH 13 0 54.811553 -2.437179
CA9 3SJ 4 1 54.811015 -2.437245
CA9 3SL 21 2 54.81071 -2.437304
CA9 3SN 17 0 54.81105 -2.435052
CA9 3SP 2 0 54.811038 -2.43554
CA9 3SQ 7 1 54.8114 -2.4377
CA9 3SR 1 0 54.810467 -2.43741
CA9 3SS 6 0 54.811019 -2.433853
CA9 3SW 2 0 54.811048 -2.43512
CA9 3TL 3 0 54.811195 -2.434804
CA9 3TG 20 0 54.811385 -2.434355
CA9 3TQ 4 0 54.810343 -2.431901
CA9 3TH 2 0 54.810638 -2.431584
CA9 3TJ 10 0 54.810671 -2.430489
CA9 3TN 16 0 54.812019 -2.435653
CA9 3TP 8 1 54.809705 -2.431692
CA9 3TR 9 6 54.810228 -2.428726
CA9 3TW 24 0 54.81173 -2.436008