all postcodes in CA9 / ALSTON

find any address or company within the CA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA9 3PZ 3 0 54.790431 -2.344181
CA9 3QH 5 2 54.812239 -2.43882
CA9 3QJ 6 1 54.812086 -2.439037
CA9 3QL 9 0 54.812231 -2.43911
CA9 3QN 4 2 54.8123 -2.439288
CA9 3QP 1 1 54.812454 -2.439486
CA9 3QR 6 0 54.812139 -2.439685
CA9 3QS 1 1 54.811969 -2.439418
CA9 3QT 45 0 54.811008 -2.439377
CA9 3QU 1 1 54.810832 -2.440221
CA9 3QW 5 0 54.812471 -2.439673
CA9 3QX 1 1 54.810206 -2.439835
CA9 3RE 1 0 54.812317 -2.440153
CA9 3RF 1 1 54.812333 -2.440698
CA9 3RL 5 0 54.811874 -2.440989
CA9 3RN 5 1 54.811503 -2.441451
CA9 3RP 6 0 54.809599 -2.443624
CA9 3RR 1 0 54.812128 -2.445286
CA9 3RW 76 1 54.809119 -2.439916
CA9 3SE 15 5 54.811881 -2.438552