all postcodes in CB1 / CAMBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB1 2EL 9 0 52.201511 0.132237
CB1 2EP 14 0 52.199483 0.130047
CB1 2ET 38 1 52.199032 0.129866
CB1 2EU 1 1 52.198782 0.128273
CB1 2EW 1 1 52.200733 0.133225
CB1 2EX 18 0 52.197702 0.1303
CB1 2EY 9 0 52.199428 0.129299
CB1 2EZ 12 1 52.198107 0.130787
CB1 2HA 25 3 52.197415 0.131237
CB1 2HD 11 1 52.196997 0.130968
CB1 2HF 22 0 52.19863 0.133651
CB1 2HG 23 1 52.199017 0.133655
CB1 2HJ 5 0 52.199378 0.13458
CB1 2HL 20 0 52.197445 0.13257
CB1 2HN 22 0 52.197039 0.13416
CB1 2HP 32 0 52.200312 0.135137
CB1 2HQ 13 0 52.199939 0.13487
CB1 2HR 35 1 52.200313 0.134083
CB1 2HS 15 4 52.200099 0.134247
CB1 2HT 1 1 52.200016 0.134127